Professional language translation might not be the most appealing route to take when you are trying to translate your site, but it is probably the best thing you can do for your digital strategy. Indeed, high-quality web translation is not cheap, but it is necessary if you want to get all the benefits of multilingual SEO. Hence, here’s why your business site needs professional language translation.

#1 Reach Potential Customers from All Over the World
The obvious reason for translating your website is that you will be able to reach potential customers from all over the world. Instead of only selling locally or on a national level, you will be able to sell to customers located in different regions. In fact, you might not even be aware of how big your potential target audience actually is until you start expanding your business and trying to integrate into different markets.
#2 Improve Your Website’s Search Rankings
Another obvious benefit of translating your website professionally is that you will be able to improve your site’s search rankings. Of course, you can achieve this to an extent by doing even moderate translation, but if you want to maintain your brand’s reputation and see a significant improvement in rankings, you need to translate professionally. Better rankings for various languages and keywords will allow you to reach even more potential customers.
#3 Build Trust by Focusing on Your Customers First
An essential aspect to remember about your audience is that not every potential customer of yours is a native English speaker. This means that English could be their second or third language – and they might not know it well enough to understand all of your content. This can lead to a bad customer experience which can be detrimental to your success. As Hugh Lloyd from the custom writing reviews site Pick The Writer says, “You must show how much you value your customers. Translating your website is one of the best ways to do this.”
#4 Leave Your Competitors Behind by Gaining an Edge
But when it comes to marketing (and website translation is obviously a part of it), your customers are not the only ones you should be focusing on. Your competitors are also there, so you must make sure to advance your business strategy to gain a competitive edge. By translating your website, you will be doing just that as most companies don’t try to reach foreign markets or don’t believe web translation is necessary for their success.
#5 Grow Your Revenue by Increasing Sales
Because you will be reaching more customers, you can expect your sales to increase. This, in turn, will help you grow your revenue. Of course, this is definitely not a direct relation between website translation and more sales but translating your content will have an indirect impact on different aspects of your business and this will probably be one of them. If your revenue grows, you will also have a bigger budget for improving your business in other ways.
#6 Expand into New Markets and Grow Your Business
Growing your business is crucial for its development and advancement. Even if you are satisfied with the way it works right now, you need to keep in mind that stagnation can lead to decline. By translating your business site, you will be expanding into new markets and, consequently, growing your business. As Dylan Wilson from writing service reviews site Writing Judge puts it, “Expansion into new markets is a natural phase of your business’s lifecycle. Web translation is a tool to get through this phase and advance to the next level.”
#7 Provide A Better Experience to All Your Customers
As mentioned earlier, your entire audience can’t possibly consist only of native English-speakers. You need to consider the fact that there are potential customers who don’t understand English well enough. By translating your content into their native languages, you will be able to provide a better experience to all of them. And customer experience is way more important than you may think, so you should definitely put it onto your priority list.
#8 Generate More Traffic and Improve Brand Awareness
Because your website will now rank higher in search results for various keywords, you will be improving your brand awareness as more and more people will be visiting your website. Moreover, if you decide to incorporate translation not just into your website but also your social media marketing, you will be able to improve brand awareness with its help too. The more people know about your brand, the more popular it becomes and the more opportunities you will get (e.g. partnerships, big influencer promotions, and so on).
#9 Build Your Backlink Profile and Get More Exposure
Similarly, because your brand awareness and recognition will be better, you can expect to get more exposure as online media outlets start mentioning your company in their content. Most of the time, they will link back to your website which will help you build your backlink profile. This profile is important as it grants your website more authority and reputability which will help it rank higher in different search results. It’s all interconnected in many ways, even if you don’t realize it.
#10 Develop, Innovate, Adopt, Integrate, Adapt
Lastly, web translation can help you develop, innovate, adopt, integrate, and adapt. You will develop your business and different aspects of it. You will innovate your approaches both to processes inside your company and outside of it. You will adopt new marketing techniques and improve your marketing strategy. You will integrate new technology into your organization. And you will adapt to foreign markets and get to the next level of business development.
Final Thoughts
So, why is translation important? Most foreign businesses will probably want to translate their website to English, but for you, translating your site from English to multiple different languages should be the goal. By doing so, you will be able to get all the advantages listed in this article and benefit from them in the short- and long-term.
About the author
Jamie Fry - Purposeful and promising author. Confidently goes to his goal. He has a talent for writing original content. The main conviction in his life: «To be the best in the field in which you are developing». Always in search of fresh ideas.